More than 20 bag graphics for you to do

More than 20 bag graphics for you to do

We will always try to pass the step by step through images, video lessons, recipes and graphics of the most varied crocheted bags.

Crochet is a balm for the soul, helps to combat day-to-day stress and has already taken and pulled several people out of depression. There are several crocheteras and some crochellas that support their houses with this art, others still use to obtain an extra income.

What materials will you need to learn how to make a crochet bag?

Crochet needle

Ball, thread, twine or knit (in addition to plastic, or any yarn you choose)
Tapestry needle for bolts
Point marker

Usually anyone who is starting out in the art of crocheting is left in doubt as to what material they need to do a job. When you take a recipe or chart, it already cites the size of the needle you should use, plus the size of the crochet needle will depend on the yarn you choose.

It is not always necessary to do the work with the yarn indicated in the recipe, you can choose a similar or even a totally different one, except in this case the work will probably have to be adapted because the size of the needle will change and thus the size of the piece also.

As for the scissors, it will serve to cut the yarn used in your work and it is not necessary that it be a special one, you can use the one you have at home. While the tapestry needle will be used for the finishing of some pieces, it will not always be used and some people use a finer crochet needle.

Some jobs will ask you to use stitch markers, do not be alarmed if you've never heard of this, you can use instead of clips, diaper pin, or any utensil you believe you give to mark the indicated point.

What kind of yarn do you use to make a crochet bag?

This will depend a lot on the type of bag you want. Chic handbags, they will require nobler yarns, bags to go to the beach or outdoor walks ask for more rustic yarns, sometimes even recycled. To begin, follow the instructions of the chosen crochet recipe.

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2017. Learning crochet.