Step-by-step crochet baby booties

Step-by-step crochet baby booties
The moms and future moms know that the world of children's fashion is really beautiful and can even get lost among so many fofuras. However, despite so many beautiful little things, baby comfort is paramount. And of course you can combine comfort and beauty, an example of this are baby crochet shoes. Oh, and this treat does not have to be restricted only moms do not. The accessory (at this stage of life, it's just an accessory itself) is a good gift idea.,
Step-by-step crochet baby booties

Crochet baby slippers are very comfortable options for the little ones and still have beautiful and trendy models for the child to stay in fashion. Models of crochet slipper for baby

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

The blue and white model is very delicate and still for newborns. To leave the footwear with childlike way the child soccer ball button is a great tip.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

It also has the little man-like model. The wool shoe looks like a social footwear and the mix of navy blue and red leaves the item even more beautiful.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

Want to choose blue crochet shoes for baby? Look at these little men! The buttons used on the shoes have no function beyond decorating, but leave the piece even more graceful.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

It also has the model with a print. To reproduce the idea, you first have to make the crochet shoe and then cut out a children's fabric print. To glue the print, just use fabric glue.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

The models with shoelace are a breeze and even look like adult sapatanes. It is worth doing the sneaker in wool, crochet and thread.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

This option is beautiful and cute. The little baby boy's blue slipper still got into the mustache modesty.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

Even newborns can use their crochet shoes to warm their little feet. The model still won the face of a teddy bear.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

The baby can not be more modern, can it ?! The crochet shoe in the style of All Star sneakers even has a starlet on the side that refers to the symbol of the brand.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

For the youngest little girls, the sneakers can still gain some rhinestone details to make the shoes shiny.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

And how about the blue version for the babies to stay in the sports style?

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

It also gives to make the model with line and in the colors purple and white for the little babies.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

You can not fall in love with the baby All Star made of pink crochet, right ?!

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

And it does not matter the color or material (wool, crochet or thread) of the children's sneakers, after all they are beautiful and will leave the baby well-mannered.

Step-by-step crochet baby booties

How to make baby crochet shoes step by step For those who are waiting for the arrival of a baby (can be grandma, mother, auntie, or friend) can learn how to make crochet shoes and give the gift of mime on arrival of the child. To help, we have separated some tutorial videos that teach step by step the making of baby shoes..
Step-by-step crochet baby booties

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2017. Learning crochet.